Sunday, August 17, 2008

Day 110 Early to bed, early to rise.

An early post since I missed last night.  Hot and tired.

We had guests yesterday afternoon so we spend a good bit of time putting Zephyr back together again.  As is always the case, with workmen all over the place, things don't get put back where they should.  Since we will be here for at least three more weeks, we put covers back on lot of things outside on deck.  The teak as well as all the plastic windows on the dodger.  We want to keep them as nice as possible.

The guests we had were a couple that recently bought another Liberty 458 and wanted to see the original.  They had contacted me from via email from the address I have at the yahoo sight dedicated to Liberties.  I'd made comments about being in Point Hudson and they live about 90 minutes South of us.  One of their first comments after looking Zephyr over was "We've been thru 5-6 Liberties including a 49 and none have look as good as Zephyr".  Kudos the Bill and Susan who took such great care of her over the past many years.  They have done a great job!!

There were a few differences in our boats.  The galley and heads were arranged differently and they have a desk in the bow where we have two berths.  Their storage for fuel and water is less than half of what ours is--100 gallons of water and the same in fuel.  No where near enough.  They have added a water maker to take up the slack.  They also installed bow thrusters for better control as you dock and two air conditioners.  They don't have a generator so I'm not sure how they will run them unless they are at a dock on shore power.  It was nice seeing other people that have an interest in our type of boat.  Amazingly, they have never sailed before and are just learning--taking classes.  This is a lot of boat for the novice.  I'm not sure it is where I would start, but hey, Liberties are forgiving boats when you screw things up.  Been there--done that.

Other than a trip to West Marine for some teak cleaner and rubbing compound for the hull cleaning, we took it easy.  Tracy is beginning to feel the effects of all the hard work she has been doing.  Her joints and muscles are really bothering her.  With luck, I'll get her to take an actual day off today.  It is supposed to be cooler which will help.

There is a convention of Island Packet boats here this weekend.  About 25 of them.  Nice people and nice (insert expensive) boats.  I hope to talk more with them this morning.  And there is cannon fire and rum jello shots going around.

I just wish the Ice Cream parlor where I do this at night had better ice cream.  Better for my waist line that it doesn't.

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