Off to West Marine. We're there so often, it's like the old tv show "Cheers" except I'm the new Norm when ever we come in. We found a new macerator--Shurflo. The same people that stood behind their fresh water pump a few weeks ago that failed. They shipped me a new one with no questions asked. Great customer service. We also picked up a new stainless steel ring that will be welded to the stanchion on the port side where we enter the boat. The previous one was too small for the new gate hook I purchased that is far more secure while sailing. No reason to fall over board unless you have to.
Back to Zephyr to start the installation. Gee what fun!?! In went the new hose with lots of shiny hose clamps. First the big hose that comes off the tank. But first, when we took off the old hose, the opening to the tank was blocked. You can guess with what! Boy are we living the dream out here or what? I tried poking a screw driver up the hole in the tank. No good. Then a piece of wire. I finally had Tracy go on deck and put some water in the tank in hopes of it loosening the blockage. Nope that didn't do it either. Back to the wire. This time with a bend in the end to try and get it around the corner of the hose bib. That worked just fine. It started with just a trickle and then all the "water" Tracy had put in came out!!! Lots of it. Much more than the small bucket I had in my hands could hold. Boy, this is so much fun!! I crammed my hand over the opening and had Tracy get another bucket fast! This job was quickly loosing its charm. Tracy ladled some of the "water" from one bucket to the other as I kept my hand over the opening. I couldn't move the bucket as it was too full. I then released my hand and the rest of the "water" came out. All I can say is I'm glad my nose isn't the best in the world. Tracy was walking around with a paper towel covered in under arm deodorant tied to her face with a cord. She was quite the sight. I'd have loved to have taken a picture but I was up to my eyeballs in "stuff". We cleaned all the fittings and soaked the new hoses in boiling water to get them soft so they would slide over the fittings and put it all back together again. We screwed down the new macerator and made the electrical connections. I shrink tube sealed the connections against moisture just to be sure they never have problems. Once all that was done and the pump tested to make sure it would work, I cleaned up all the fiberglass and wood areas anywhere near the macerator with a good strong bathroom cleaner. The wall that covers the tank was screwed back on and the job was done. Now both bow and stern heads have new macerators. I now know the heads on Zephy far better than I know the plumbing in my own house back home.
We'd started the day changing out the line on the block and tackle that we used to lift the dingy back on board while in Prevost Harbor. It wasn't quite long enough to make it easily down to the boat. We added about another 20 feet of line to the setup and it should now be easily able to reach the dingy while it is still in the water with no problems.
As I wrote above, the stanchion at the gate to come on board didn't have the right size ring on it for the new pelican hook that closes the gate. The starboard side is fine but the port is a good bit smaller. Go figure. Off came the stanchion. I'll be taking it in to be welded on Monday morning. I have a piece of hardware on order with West Marine to make the one on the opposite side functional. It should be here in a week or so.
We've had just about everything today as far as weather goes. Wind, clouds, rain, sun and calm. Tomorrow is to be about the same with more rain on Tuesday. Hey, but what do they know? Only time will tell.
My diesel class starts tomorrow evening and goes through Thursday night. Finally the "Diesel for Dummies" class I've been searching for all Summer. This is making it all the more important that we stayed here in Washington for the Winter. I'll feel far better able to tackle engine problems as we cruise if I know how they work and how to fix them. Tracy's father Wayne would approve. The first time I met him, he was under a 1965 Mustang changing the oil and he had Multiple Sclerosis at the time. A great guy that taught we a lot in the years I was lucky enough to know him. I do miss him.
Well, it's after midnight again. Off to bed.
More tomorrow as the list get worked on.
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