Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Day 236 More jobs

A few days have passed and the jobs continue.  We'd ordered two new ceiling lights from Alpenglow for the main cabin.  They have come highly recommended not only by other sailors we know but also from Practical Sailor-the Consumer Reports of boaters.  They came in yesterday--only took a week.  Out came the old ones--one of which I had already changed over to a light that has white as well as a red night light.   These new lights have a high and low both in white light as well as in the red.  The red is so our night vision isn't corrupted while being down in the cabin during the night passages.  I installed them yesterday afternoon and last night they lit up the cabin as we had never had it lit before.  For such a small light, they put out a tremendous amount of light.

I got the gate for the starboard side lifeline done this morning.  I had to go to a different rigger over in Port Townsend as Brion doesn't do this type of work.  If the weather clears up--or maybe warms up, I'll get it installed soon.  It's never fun to do outside work in cloudy damp days.

The snow we got over the weekend is melting quickly.  We had some Sun yesterday and the white stuff started to melt away.  While it left a bunch of mush, I'll take mush over snow anytime.  There is more in the forecast for tomorrow night so a white Christmas is coming.

There was a knock on the boat last night.  Outside was Jason, the chef at the Shanghai Restaurant I've raved about in previous posts.  He came down to invite us to a special Christmas dinner at the restaurant.  We are thrilled!!  I'm sure we will have many things we have never tried before and all with the family around us.  

There are still more projects down the road and we'll go after those ticking them off as we can.  Meanwhile, I keep a piece of paper to check them off and add on others as they crop up.  Some how, the list never seems to get any shorter, but Zephyr keeps getting better.


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